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- Free and confidential: food, housing, employment, health care, counseling.
MAAC Project - Promote self-sufficiency for low and moderate income families. Healthline - Health and wellness: symptoms, diseases, doctors and specialists. Lifescript - Healthy living for women. YWCA - Resources for women and children: shelters, immigration help, lawyers, etc. Gospel.com - A community of online ministries. Al-Anon/Alateen - For family and friends of someone with a drinking, drug or addiction problem. Alcoholics Anonymous - 12 step group for alcoholics. Narcotics Anonymous - 12 step group for drug addicts. Overeaters Anonymous - 12 step group for overeaters. Sex Addicts Anonymous - 12 step group for sex addicts. CAMFT - A guide for therapists and the public. AFCC - For families going through conflict: mediators, books, classes, therapists, and other resources. |